Saturday, June 25, 2011


I was asked what inspired me to write a blog. I had another blog almost 2 years ago that was all about my wedding- the planning and other fun stuff. My inspiration changed around August 2010. I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl who changed my life. I decided to blog about what was going on in our lives- hard and easy, good and not so good. Grace is my inspiration along with other things in my life!

There are not many things I need to write a blog. Usually it is a spur of the moment thing. Something happens and I want to get my thoughts down and share. I love to listen to music so music is always on in my house. It does not have to be at a certain time of the day or in a certain room.

Inspiration seems to happen to me at different places and at different times!

1 comment:

  1. I probably write more about Noah then anything else lol. The babies really do become your whole world. If ever in germany your welcome to come visit us! We are in Frankfurt :)
