Thursday, August 4, 2011

Out the window it goes!

What did you swear you would or would not do with your LO that went right out the window?
After I found out I was pregnant there were many decisions I wanted to make before Grace was born.  First, I would not allow her to get addicted to television.  I wanted her to read, read, read!
Next, I wanted to breastfeed for AT LEAST a year, more if possible.  I wanted her to accept everyone and anyone and to be her own person.

Let's rewind almost a year.  As of right now, I NEVER have the TV on unless I am streaming Pandora Radio through the Blue Ray player.  The sound is on but the TV is off.  Recently I cannot even have that on because Grace is obsessed with playing with the volume knob and input knob on the stereo.  She watched her Baby Signing Time for 20-25 minutes a day at lunchtime.  She loves it and is the only time she is watching TV.  I love watching her face when we go somewhere that has a TV on, like her Pop-Pop's house.  She is might look at it for a minute or two but has really no interest in it.  Next, we are onto breastfeeding.  We are still going strong! We are down to only about 4 times a day but we made the year mark and are still going strong! GO US! As for the reading, Grace is in love with books. She would rather play with books then toys, which cracks me up!

There is one other thing I said I would never do but slip up on from time to time- cursing.  Nothing serious but I dislike when I do it! I don't want my Grace to have a potty mouth!!

So far, I have been doing pretty well on holding up on what I said I would!! 



  1. Good for you!

    Would you believe I find it harder to find people who stick to the TV thing than the breastfeeding thing! I also get more negative or offended comments about not allowing TV.

    My Grace catches TV here and there when I'm not around or at other people's houses, but she ignores it & carries books around like toys. I allow daddy to watch the occasional baseball game with her ONLY if he keeps a constant running commentary telling her what's going on. She saw a short video at the zoo today and was fascinated. But I really want her to master some of those early physical & verbal skills before I let her watch even Sesame Street.

    As for potty mouth, I'm trying, but daddy & uncle aren't helping me out very much. The best I can hope for is she keeps her potty mouth to the car. ;)

  2. Grace is not really interested in TV, except for the signing video. If she sees it somewhere else, she will watch for a mInute then move on to something else. I am not a person to have the TV on all day as background noise. I prefer we listen to music!

  3. Good job! I SAID I wasn't going to allow tv, but 4 months in, he's already such an addict. He will crank his head around like you wouldn't believe. I think it's MY addiction that's the problem, to be fair. At least we've still got breastfeeding?
