Thursday, August 4, 2011

Green and Crunchy.....

Grace- 1 month old Bum Genius
 How do I feel about the Green and Crunchy movement? I feel pretty good to be apart of it!
When I found out I was pregnant, I was overwhelmed with emotion.  The last thing on my mind was what kind of diapers/wipes I would be using, if I would be breastfeeding or formula feeding, or many other things.  After awhile, I started to talk to friends who were moms.  My one friend was really into cloth diapering.  Her daughter is 3 months older than Grace and she introduced me to Bum Genius diapers.  She showed me them and I was sold.  She did tell me it would be pricey up front but would totally pay off in the long run.  So I decided I would be doing cloth diapers.  My husband and I bought a few at a time and even got some from my friends as a shower gift.  I was so excited to use them but had to wait for the first month to be over because they were so HUGE on Grace's tiny body.  I have branched out and tried some other brands other than Bum Genius- Eco Bunz, Fuzzibunz, Kawaii, Sunbaby, and some other brandas I cannot remember off the top of my head.

Some people believe breastfeeding is a part of the Green and Crunchy movement. When I first told people I was pregnant, they told me to sign up on all the formula companies websites to get coupons and free samples.  I went on and dished out my name, address, email, and created passwords.  This was before I made one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life- to breastfeed Grace.  I knew it was the best thing for her and I was determined to make it work! I took a breastfeeding class towards the end of my pregnancy and was so excited to breastfeed Grace.  The instructor of my class was the head of the Breastfeeding Resource Center (  She spoke of lactation consults and support groups for breastfeeding moms.  Needless to say, I started going to the weekly meetings when Grace was around 10 days old and I still go to the meetings.  It is my home away from home.
We are big on recycling at home as well.  I can't wait to teach Grace all about that when she gets older.  I also try to use the reusable shopping bags when I can (or remember to put them back in the car).  Next year we are going to put some raised beds in the backyard and grow some veggies!
I am very happy with my Crunchy decisions.  I have told many. many moms about cloth diapers and how much we love them! Some have decided to go that route and I hope they are as happy as I am with that decision!

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