What do I think of I think of Summer? There are a lot of things: water ice, the beach, BBQ's....
Now that I am a Mom some things are still the same and some things have changed. Before Grace, I just get into the car on a really hot day and drive while it cooled down. Now, I put her in the play yard and run out to turn on the air. I would also drive with the windows down jamming out to some music. Now, I keep the windows down but not all the way and I keep the music on but not nearly as loud as before.
I never really worried about putting sunblock on when out in the sun. Now, if Grace and I are going for a walk or to play somewhere, I make sure to later her up! I cannot wait to take her to the beach. Sadly, it might not be this summer but next! She has her own little pool that she is starting to like from time to time but the water has to be warm!
The biggest thing that I think of when I think of summer is Grace's Birthday! I have a summer birthday but now I have Grace in the summer as well!
My post was almost exactly the same! I would have to agree about the sunblock, the windows and the radio! But its all worth it!
ReplyDeleteGood minds think alike!!!
ReplyDeleteThe thing we all have in common is last year we popped in the height of the heat right? Can't be forgetting that!
ReplyDeleteHahaha I hear you on the sunblock. I still don't put it on myself, though ;)