In the past, I was always in a funk or rut. I was one of those Emo girls. Listened to the sad music, never really smiled and was pretty much a downer. Around 2002, I realized that something more was wrong. I would have these crazy mood swings which involved me throwing and breaking things. It would end horribly. I finally got some help. I found out that I had a chemical imbalance that was affecting my moods from one second to the next. I decided to try medication (I know- taboo) and it was the best thing I ever did for myself. I started on 10mg of Lexapro and could not believe the difference! Everything got better. I was able to function better and control my moods in a more, umm, civil way.
I met my husband in 2005 and he also was a big factor in me helping to stay in control! Needless to say, we got married in 2009 and had Grace in 2010. I did go off my medication after I had Grace. I took 5mg of Lexapro throughout my pregnancy and everything went great! I can only imagine how ugly it would have been without.
I did go off the medication when I was breastfeeding. 2 months into having Grace, I was finding it hard to do anything, much less take care of a newborn! I called my doctor and he put me on the safest anti-depressant for breastfeeding- Zoloft (50mg). I have been on it since I made the phone call to him that day asking for help. I am so glad that I admitted to myself that I needed the help instead of ignoring the signs and trying to get through. I am not sure if it was PPD or PPA but all I know is I had to do what made me a better mom for my daughter!
Anyway... I kinda went off on a tangent. When I am in a funk/rut, I strap Grace into her Ergo or stroller and go for a walk. Sometimes the air can do wonders for me! I sometimes put on some music and dance like a crazy person. It makes me feel better and makes Grace laugh hysterically! Sometimes, I need time alone. If my mom is around, she might come over and watch Grace while I go for a drive with the windows down and music loud. If Dan is at home, I might go for a walk/run to clear my head. Sometimes I might even blog- go figure!
It is awesome to have was to release and get out of a funky rut! What do you all do??