What is the most IRRITATING thing people as me about Grace? The number one thing is- "How long are you going to breastfeed her?" or "Are you seriously still breastfeeding?"
Yes, I am still breastfeeding and plan on letting Grace tell me when she is done with it. Why do people care about it anyway? It is not your business. It is between my daughter and myself.
Another thing is that I am told that I put my daughter to bed way to early. She is in bed at 6:30, 7:00 at the latest. People look at me like I am crazy. I am glad I put her to bed early. She gets the rest she needs and I figure I might not have to fight as hard with her when she gets older. One time someone (in my family) told me that I put her to bed at that time because I do not want to spend time with her. Seriously??!!
The last thing is that I do cloth diapers. I am the one that is washing them and stuffing them. Why does it matter to anyone? It is my husband and I that have to do all the work!
Sorry for the rant. I know I am a good mom. I make mistakes and learn from them all the time.
Right now I have a child who will not take her first nap. Maybe I am a "bad" mom because I am leaving her in her crib. She is not crying, only fussing and talking. Hopefully, she will fall asleep!